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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
So, I have decided to try my hand at scrapbooking. Does anyone scrap book? I bought a book and some supplies. Only enough to do a few pages to see how I feel about it. I'm hoping to make an adorable book of JD and I and all the things we have done together. Then I will bring it to our wedding showers for people to look at and think we are the cutest couple in the world. Which we are. It's a fact. I've seen the statistics. We topped the charts right above Brad Pitt and Jen Aniston circa 2001.

Anyway, I bought some kits for engagement and what not. And also a halloween kit. So once I figure it out and make it look perty, maybe I'll post pics as I go. Yes? Yes.

In other news, today is Tuesday and that means, for another 3 weeks or so, I get to enjoy the company of Piper Marshall before her and her Momma head back to South Carolina. I'm not happy they are leaving me. But, I can't blame them. I'm hoping I get to move somewhere equally as warm and beautiful in the next couple years.

Until then, I get Pipes on Tuesday evenings and I cuddle and kiss her and change her itty bitty diapers. She's just so sweet:

See, I told you. Love that baby girl.

And being a Tuesday, today also marks the 5 week count down to our trip to California. JD and I will be going out to visit his Aunt Jill (My future Aunt Jill, although I already call her Aunt Jill because that's just how the Johns work. Plus I've been around long enough that I forget I'm not already a Johns sometimes) and family. We are so stinkin' excited. I am not complaining about spending a week away from cold Michigan!

Did I mention that Aunt Jill is an amazing photographer? Well, she is. And we will be getting some engagement pics done by her. They are going to be unique and I literally can't wait! Check out how amazing she is here:
Jill Johnson Photography

Really looking forward to spending time with her and her family and having a blast out there.

Ok, now back to my scrap book. I think I shall enjoy this.

A presto,

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